Construcción de una memoria colectiva en la que las mujeres se sientan representadas.
ACTIVIDAD: Objeto Narración / Object – Storytelling
Documentation Personal / Collective Memory: Find summary in English at the bottom of the page.
Recuperación de la memoria histórica de las mujeres víctimas del conflicto armado.
La primera actividad que abrió la semana de talleres de co-creación consistió de la participación de las mujeres con narraciones orales a través de un objeto. Las mujeres mostraron una generosidad abrumadora con un ejercicio que provocó testimonios extremadamente personales cargados de emoción. Estos objetos forman parte de las narraciones visuales en el arte digital interactivo.
ACTIVIDAD: “Su espacio en la memoria” “Their Space within Memory” María Mencía
Mural representing their space in the historical memory.
Relatos personales – Escritura en el mural. Después de presentar sus relatos al grupo a través de un objeto, se les invitó a reflexionar sobre las razones que les llevó a participar en las organizaciones de ZOSCUA y la Ruta Pacifica; su opinión sobre las víctimas del conflicto armado y su representación en los medios de comunicación; vindicación de sus derechos, participación activista en la creación de la memoria histórica y maneras de seguir adelante creando una sociedad más justa, más equitativa y sobre todo promoviendo la paz.
“Lucharemos hasta nuestro último aliento de vida”
“We will fight until our last breath”
escrito en el mural
Relatos Personales/colectivos- Detalles de mensajes en mural.
Details from the messages in the mural
“Justice must be done and this must not be repeated anymore. Opportunity to create. I learnt things I didn’t know and now I can help other women. After the storm a rainbow appears. We are invisibles. A support network. I was threaten. I saw people being killed, beheaded and thrown in the river Magdalena. Motivation and carry on fighting. I want to carry on fighting. Kidnaping. Sexual violence. No more forced displacements SOS. I want to keep the memory of Favian Zoscua.”
After the storm a rainbow appears
I learnt things I didn’t know and now I can help other women
We are invisibles
Motivation and carry on fighting
No more forced displacements
Construction of a collective memory where women feel represented.
The recovery of the historical memory of women victims from the Colombian armed conflict.
We started the co-creation workshops with an activity where women were invited to bring an object and express their experiences of the Colombian conflict through this object. This exercise provoked extremely personal testimonies loaded with overwhelming emotion. These objects form part of the interactive digital art.
Wall representing their space in memory, personal stories – writing on the wall. After presenting their stories to the group through an object, women were invited to reflect on the reasons that led them to participate in the organisations of ZOSCUA and the Ruta Pacífica; their opinion about the victims of the armed conflict and their representation in the media; vindication of their rights, activist participation in the creation of historical memory and ways to move forward creating a more just, equitable society and above all promoting peace. The Writing on the Wall is part of the interactive digital art.